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ResMed Airsense 10 suddenly blowing too much air

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BugLife +1 point · over 6 years ago Original Poster

I've been using my Airsense 10 for about a 1 1/2 years. I've had no problems with it until a few weeks ago. As soon as I would turn it on, it would blow too much air. Turning it off and back on would fix the problem. Well, now turning it off and on doesn't help. Last night the air was so annoying and loud I had to not use the machine so I could go to sleep. Is my machine broken or is there something I can do to get it back to normal?

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SleepyMommy703 +0 points · over 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

This happened to me twice with my Resmed 9. The first was my very first machine so I didn't know any better. But after a month of struggling with it I took it in to the tech at my sleep doctors and they checked it out and determined it was faulty and gave me another. The second machine worked for almost a year and then I had this sudden blast of air coming from it so intense it choked me and I couldn't breath. Same thing as you where if I turned it on and off it got better but that only worked for a couple of days. I took it in and they checked the pressure and when they checked it didn't happen, but the pressures were still off. They gave me a new machine and said it wasn't worth the time and effort of sending the old one back to Resmed to be repaired.

Definitely get in touch with your supply company and let them know it's malfunctioning.

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sleeptech +0 points · over 6 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Is it possible that you have adjusted you ramp control without noticing?

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CharmingSalmonSeaLion +0 points · over 6 years ago

When this has happened to me, it has been due to a mask leak, which drove my APAP to ramp up the pressure, With the result that I would awake, trying to exhale against what felt like a hurricane. After turning off the machine, it would revert to normal functioning. That was a RESMED gen 8. I’ve had no trouble with my Gen10.

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Varmit +1 point · over 6 years ago

Have only been using a machine for about 2 months, but have had the same difficulties. Mine is a Res Med Air10 with a prescribed flow (non-adjustable) between 12 and 20. The only way to change the flow rate is to turn off the machine and use a 25 minute pre-ramp. Called the tech office and was supposed to see her. For whatever reason she brushed me off till next month eval. Being so new, I accepted this, though very pissed. Discovering this forum has helped a good deal. First, discovered many others having same experience with the Res Med. Secondly, these same folks arranged for a machine checkout, which in some cases resulted in discovering faulty mechanisms to the extent new equipment was ordered and the problem seems fixed. At the moment I'm hanging in here for a few days till schedules allow a visit to the tech office. Unless there's an emergency there will be no brush off. I would suggest a visit to your tech and get your equipment checked out. In terms of a mask leak, that maybe the case. However, the pressure should reduce automatically when the leak is stopped by adjusting the mask. Remember, that gravity/age, etc causes our facial muscles to relax over a few hours of sleep. Am pretty sure this is the cause of my leaks. I was told the pressure regulated itself in response to each breath. In my case re-positioning the mask and stopping the leak did not result in lowering of the pressure. It remained at full force until I turned off the equipment and restarted. Also, I read descriptions of the full face masks and there is one which has greater sealing properties. I'm going to add this change to my discussion. Good luck and finding a solution.

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SilentSleeper +0 points · over 6 years ago

I’m new, 10 days in, to sleep apnea therapy, specifically ASV, and this is the same kind of thing I’ve been dealing with. Because I’m new to this I thought it was just something I was supposed to get used to. I think it starts when the machine ramps up to full pressure, probably when I stop breathing and need it the most, but I am overwhelmed by the pressure, it wakes me out of sound sleep, I can’t take a breath in because of the pressure, it forces air into my mouth and out the sides of the mask because all that air has to go somewhere! Have a call in to the doctor.

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SleepyMommy703 +0 points · over 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

Do you have it on a set pressure or auto? I'm having trouble with my Autosense machine now as I'm finding with the auto it goes much higher than I actually need and it's causing me to wake and to have side effects like lots of leakage, dry mouth, etc. I also think it ramps up faster than it should when I set the ramp time. I'm going to contact my medical equipment provider and see what they say.

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PuffInAndOut +0 points · over 6 years ago

ResMed had a recall a while back. The models involved Should be listed on their website.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · over 6 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Was your machine involved in the recall and did they send any notice to you directly? A quick google search for resmed recalls produced this bit:


More recently here in the States: https://aasm.org/special-safety-notice-asv-therapy-for-central-sleep-apnea-patients-with-heart-failure/

Canadian Govt put out this list of affected machines: http://www.healthycanadians.gc.ca/recall-alert-rappel-avis/hc-sc/2015/53273r-eng.php

I can find NO recall info on the ResMed website.

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rachelm920 +0 points · over 6 years ago

Hi I'm new, and I started this issue last night myself. I just got the machine on Thursday 5/24, and used it for the first time Friday 5/25 (We forgot to purchase distilled water LOL). Friday-Sunday night were fine. Then all of a sudden last night it got so intense that I had to rip my mask off because I felt like I was suffocating. I looked at my unit and it said it was at 18 pressure which is the highest setting the tech setup for me. It was only about 30 minutes after I turned it on. It woke me again not so long after with the same thing, so I then googled how to turn it down. I couldn't withstand the 16+ pressure points. I turned it down to a max of 15, and was able to breathe fully for the rest of the night. My doctor/tech put in a variable pressure due to my insurance not covering an overnight stay and only a home study. I go back in July for a check. My app said I had 11.2 events per hour last night vs. 4.4 on Sunday night. I saw this site when I was googling, and decided to join today. I also have an airsense 10 autoset and a resmed airit f20 full face mask. I'm a mouth breather so the nasal pillows would be useless to me.

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greybeard +0 points · about 3 years ago

I've been using an AirSense 10 with full face mask for over 4 years. Recently, it started blowing too much air in the middle of the night, waking me. If I turn the machine off and then back on it resets itself. I have an exceptionally low pulse rate. I am a distance athlete, so it goes below 40 quite often. Is it possible that the machine is waking me because the air pressure adjustment needs raised.

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Sierra +0 points · about 3 years ago Sleep Patron

If your AirSense 10 is an Auto or Elite version it will have a SD card in it with detailed data on it. You can download a software program called OSCAR which will display the detailed data and let you know exactly what is happening from minute to minute during the night. You can also go back to earlier use of the AirSense 10 and see what has changed from the past to now. The software is free, but requires a PC or Mac, and a SD card reader.

Your need for more pressure may have changed over time, and if it is in Auto mode it will increase as required. Sometimes the machine can increase pressure when it is really not effective. But, the detail needs to be looked at to determine if that is the case.

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Sumatopoppih +0 points · almost 2 years ago

I’m a veteran user of 32 years based in Bangladesh. I’m currently using ResPlus Auto bought a year ago. My ideal pressure should be 10cm but my machine shows 16cm. I’m having dry nose, mouth and a lot of bloating. What can I do?

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Sierra +0 points · almost 2 years ago Sleep Patron

If you only need 10 cm then you can easily switch the mode to CPAP and then set the pressure at 10 cm if that will control your apnea. Sometimes the Auto mode can get carried away with raising pressure and limiting it with CPAP mode. That is the way I have mine currently set to a fixed 11 cm.

Do you have a heated hose for the machine? If you do then the Climate Control can be set to Auto and that can help with the dryness of the nose and mouth.

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ejbpesca +0 points · about 2 months ago

I am a veteran of 17 CPAP use on my 5th machine. I am just now learning about the ResPlus machine. Interestingly, the ResPlus has clinical settings readily available. Many patients do not get their machines set properly nor get attention from Dr.s or DMEs as pressure settings need to be changed. I hope you found your pressure settings in the ResPlus menu. A dry nose can be helped by using the humidifier feature. Dry mouth won't be helped by the machine. Some people tape their mouths shut during sleep with Cover Roll or another brand of tape to prevent mouth breathing which is the cause of dry mouth using a full face mask. Bloating due to CPAP is called aerophagia. Reducing the Pressure will reduce aerophagia. Use your SD card to transfer your machine's data to an app called OSCAR and you will see a large amount of data that shows how your therapy is going in great detail. The goal is to use the least amount of pressure that is most comfortable with the lowest AHI. Some use APAP mode, others straight CPAP. I use APAP mode on a ResMed AirSense. Pressures Min. 10 Max 20.

Best of luck, ejbpesca

I give advice only as a fellow CPAP user, not a medical expert.

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wjurbina +0 points · about 1 year ago

I have had my Air Sense 10 Autoset for 3 months. The last time I cleaned it then plugged it in the machine was blowing too much air (pressure starts at 5 then 2 minutes later it goes up to 18, I’m not able to breathe and have to take the mask off). The machine made a lot of noice where before the was no sound of air being pushed. None of the settings had been changed and every time I did a mask fit test it showed that the mask was not fitting properly. I unplugged the machine at least 3 times and the same issue kept occurring (pressure would increase too much and the machine claimed the mask was not fitting correctly). I made an appointment with the tech that I originally got the machine from. I called twice and was told that I needed to make an appointment with my doctor so they could change the prescription. I knew that there was an issue with the machine so instead I emailed the tech and scheduled an appointment so he could check the machine. It turns out that the flap where the tubbing connects to the mask was stuck and that is why so much air was being pushed at one time. The tech unstuck the flap and now the machine no longer made a lot of noise and did not push out too much air. Make an appointment with your tech first so they can check the machine. The problem was solved so simply by unsticking the flap in the bottom of the mask that regulates the air flow. Hope this helps.

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Sierra +0 points · about 1 year ago Sleep Patron

What brand and model of mask do you have. I was not aware of a mask that has a flap in the mask that regulates air flow.

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tallguy98 +0 points · about 1 year ago

I wear a F&P Evora full face mask. The mask has an inlet with a flap that opens when air pressure comes through the tube from the Airsense. It closes when the pressure lessens ( when you exhale).

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dmangold714 +0 points · 8 months ago

I just tried to use my airsense 10 after I put more water in it and put the pillows on my nose and turned it on and it about blew my face off. I turned it off and in trying to get it to work and no luck. So I picked it up to see if I could figure out what was wrong with it. When I picked it up, I realized that the water tank was not pushed all the way in. When I pushed it in and turned it on, it works fine again.

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Sierra +0 points · 8 months ago Sleep Patron

The other issue with not having the water reservoir pushed fully in is that the flexible silicone seals between the reservoir and the machine will flap back and forth on each breath in and out. It causes a clicking sound that can be quite annoying.

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ejbpesca +0 points · 3 months ago

On its last year of use, year 4, my last AirSense 10 started blowing too much air. The mask was blowing out air at its sides. Turns out the water tank had lost its seal. I removed and installed the tank several times, made sure it was snug into the machine and the problem was solved. The water tank's lack of a seal to the water tank was causing the AutoSet to run up to 20 cm and stay there.

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Sierra +0 points · 3 months ago Sleep Patron

Yes, it is good to check everything. I believe the seal is a replaceable part, if damaged.

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Binetico +0 points · 3 months ago

I had a similar issue with my Airsense 10 a while back. It started blowing too much air, and turning it off and on fixed it at first, but then it got worse. What helped me was doing a factory reset and making sure the filters were clean. Also, check for any blockages. If that doesn't work, contacting the manufacturer or your supplier might be your best bet. They might be able to offer a repair or replacement.

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