I have done so much better since I set my machine on an Automatic setting. The difference is significant!
What is a "hose cloth"?
I would be willing to share my experience. You can also find my story at www.apneapartners.org under Patient Testimonials.
OrangeDragon, Having my CPAP on an Automatic Setting was a game changer for me; that would something to look into. There are so many issues that come from untreated sleep apnea. I knew one person in her early 30ies who was not complying with treatment and had a stroke. So it is important that you keep on keepin on. Have you tried alternative treatments like Positional Therapy (Phillips Respironics), Provent (Nasal Patch), or a Dental Device? I also found that learning and practicing the Buteko breathing method has made a difference to me.
tjack, I think the auto setting as Sierra is suggesting will be a game changer. I understand what it is like to fight a CPAP Mask/Machine. However, even if you are able to use it some of the night, it will help you feel better in the long run. I wondered if you had considered any alternatives to CPAP such as Positional Therapy (Phillips Respironics), Provent (Nasal Patches), or a Dental Device? The Buteko breathing method that 4variety spoke about is also very helpful.
Here is the link that will take you to the page with the instructions:
I have heard good things about Oscar. Maybe you could try comparing what Oscar says vs. what MyAir says. I use MyAir but sometimes wondered when the way I felt didn't match my score about it's accuracy. I am hard to track because my mask is on and off all night.
I have heard some say that the SoClean really bothers their breathing as there is apparently some residue.
I wonder if you should switch to an automatic setting with the weight loss.
I have used CPAP for 25+ years as well. In my 30ies, I did lose weight and was able to come off of it for a period of time. I think it depends on the kind of Apnea you have. I know that many who lose significant weight can remedy their sleep apnea, particularly if it's obstructive apnea vs. central apnea.