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Joined Sep 2019

Many years after the big bang I was born and here I am.

Between the sun and Neptune in the solar system.

Joined Sep 2019

Many years after the big bang I was born and here I am.

Between the sun and Neptune in the solar system.

I think I might have found a clue as to why the machine is shutting off.

Last night, I awoke after a few hours of sleep. The machine was off, the CPAP's display was lit with a message on the screen. The message said something about the hose being blocked. I don't keep my phone near the bed, so I did not take a picture. I was so tired I just wanted to get back to sleep. I inspected the hose looking for a kink or to see if the hose was bent but couldn't see any obvious reasons for a blockage. During this time the CPAP's screen saver turned off the display. When I tried to "wake up" the screen it cleared the error. I don't remember the wording of the error but at least I have a clue as to why this keeps happening.

The reason why I never noticed the error before is how the machine handles errors. The error appears, after a while the screen saver turns off the display. In the morning when you wake up if you press the stop button or want to look at the report you press a button to wake the display. This activates the display while clearing the error. When the screen turns back on the error is gone. A person would never see the error after the screen saver kicks in. (I hope I explained that) I was lucky to wake up and see the error before the screen saver turned off the screen.

I did a search and I see others have this issue as well. (links below) Some people have suggested it isn't a kink in the hose or a blockage in the hose but the vents near the mask are obstructed. This could be my issue. I clean the vents with a toothbrush each morning, I know they are clean. What I think might be happening, I have always slept with one hand on my nose or forehead. I don't notice I am doing it, I just rest with my head in my hand. I could be unknowingly covering the vent holes with my hand causing an obstruction and the machine shuts off. This may or may not be the issue, but it makes sense. At least I have a direction to look and something to test.

This error was mentioned on the forums before: https://myapnea.org/forum/hose-blockage

Others have had the problem: https://www.google.com/search?q=resmed+hose+blocked

At least I have something to go on.