Many years after the big bang I was born and here I am.
Between the sun and Neptune in the solar system.
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Although your suggestion makes sense, It was working fine, this is a recent issue.
I will have to confirm this for a few more nights, I changed the tubing, it seems to be working again. I didn't know the tubing had any sensors, I thought it had a heater and that was it.
The original thread:
For about a week now my machine doesn't automatically shut off after I remove the mask. Smart Start is still set to on.
I checked the software version again, it is still the same as the previous post.
See this thread.
I had a problem with the machine turning off, the issue was with the Resmed mask. I was covering the vent holes on the front of the mask, the machine felt it was a blockage within the hose and shut the machine off. There was an error on the screen. The problem is it is hard to notice the error. The error will display for a while, the screen saver shuts the screen off, when you touch any button to see the machine it clears the error. (poor design) See if there is an error on the screen. If the screen is shut off, press the home key or the dial button and see if you can see the error disappear.
The characteristic of a mouth leak is said to be a sudden leak with a flat top, while a mask displacement due to head position on the pillow is a more gradual increasing leak with a sudden drop.
Thank you, that is good information to know.
Alcohol use exacerbates sleep apnea risk because it inhibits your body’s ability to breathe while sleeping. Alcohol not only relaxes you after a long week at the office, but it also relaxes the muscles in your throat making it more likely for the upper airway to collapse, causing snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious disease affecting many Americans. If undiagnosed, it can lead to serious health issues such as stroke, heart disease and hypertension*
Alcohol use exacerbates sleep apnea risk because it inhibits your body’s ability to breathe while sleeping.
Alcohol not only relaxes you after a long week at the office, but it also relaxes the muscles in your throat making it more likely for the upper airway to collapse, causing snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious disease affecting many Americans. If undiagnosed, it can lead to serious health issues such as stroke, heart disease and hypertension*
If you search "Alcohol sleep" or "alcohol apnea" you will get more information.
The Journal entries do not save in Sleepyhead 1.1.1. I would like to take notes. I can write them but when I restart they are no longer there. "Went for a hike today", "power was out for three hours, didn't wear mask" or more importantly, "Changed cushions today" or "new mask today"
It looks as if they have updated OSCAR, a new version for October 2020 has been released.
I am not too worried about the data but everything about people is bought and sold. Nobody cares about privacy anymore. The machine is paid off but the insurance still wants to make sure I am using it for the supplies so the data is important to them.
I have no idea what the tech would want a 1g card for. I don't think you can buy 1g cards anymore, if you can, they are probably more expensive than a 4g card. I could see someone taking SD cards for themselves but it is such limited storage now and storage is relatively inexpensive.
I had SD cards sitting in a drawer. I was sure the machine came with one but I used my own.
I picked up my ResMed machine last year. Because of COIVD the sleep center canceled my 2020 appointment. I didn't get a chance to disucuss the data with my doctor. I am a techy kid of guy so I would pay attention to what the doctor knows, and if they asked me to bring in the card. Oddly enough when I picked up my new ResMed machine last year the tech told me it didn't come with an SD card. I thought this was odd. My neighborhood has a few cellular dead zones, I asked him what if the machine can't send my data, he told me to bring the whole machine in. I want to ask the guy who runs the CPAP machine/supplies section but I don't see him around often.
I don't know how much data the machine sends back to ResMed... but you better believe they are selling the data. I read a few articles on how they are selling your sleep information. It might be more detailed than you think. I can't find those articles now, I wanted to post them. I was looking around the web for the articles on ResMed selling data. Different articles said ResMed has the MyAir app for patients but according to the articles I read the doctors get more detailed views for clinical use. They probably do get a lot more information than you think.
Come to think of it, the doctors must get more detailed information because the doctor can change the settings remotely if you are having problems.